Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Read All About It! September 27 Newsletter

• Oct. 1~ last day to turn in parent portal letters
• Oct. 1~ pumpkins arrive
• Oct. 7~ Bring a Loved One to lunch for the book fair 11:55-12:20
• Oct 13~ Early Release day for students
• Oct. 18~ Teacher In-service day

Thanks in advance for your help in scheduling parent conferences. Please see the letter with days and times to choose your conference day TOMORROW.

Please also remember to send a small, healthy snack that can be quickly and independently eaten in the mornings.

Thank you for using your child’s red Take Home Folder for all communication to and from school. Please initial in each calendar box daily, so I know you’ve seen it. Thanks!

PTO news: We are looking for volunteers to help unload pumpkins after school on Oct. 1, as well as volunteers to sell pumpkins throughout the month of October. If you or someone you know could help, please call one of our PTO parents. Lori King 903-4771, Chantay Huff 247-5945, or Jenny Lyle 247-1542 You may email our PTO at ptowes@oconee.k12.sc.us

From the library:
Book Fair “Bring a Loved to Lunch”: On Thursday, October 7th the media center will be hosting a luncheon for students & a loved one. Each student can bring an adult to eat with them during our lunch time at 11:55-12:20 & browse the Book Fair before or afterward. Please let us know how many adults will attend & your menu choice(s). See the Media Center’s website at the school’s homepage & click on Media Center Forms to respond electronically.

TAKE HOME READERS: As we begin Guided Reading groups this week, your child will sometimes bring home more than one book to read during your daily 15 minutes of reading. Sit with your child as he or she reads with you, and then use the remainder of the time reading library books or personal books together. (You only need to write the title of one book on the form though.) This is also a wonderful time to continue to review the kindergarten and first grade high frequency words. Look for these words as you read together, and do word searches in newspapers and magazines for these words. A list of these words was sent home at the beginning of school. If you need another copy, please let me know. I’ll try to attach a copy to our class website, too.

Homework: We will have math homework at least 2 days a week. If you have not already moved on to the First grade high frequency words, please do. Continue to review kindergarten “high frequency words”. If your child can easily recognize them for reading, go ahead and begin practicing the spelling of these words. I will go over the results of our recent assessments at our upcoming parent conferences.

Language Arts: We are learning about setting purposes for reading, such as reading to find out certain information, to find out the answer to a question, or to check a prediction. We are trying to build our stamina in independent reading, timing to see how long we can read and stay focused on our books. Please continue to remind your child to touch each word as he or she reads, and remind them to use strategies such as “get my mouth ready,” looking at pictures for clues, or making “guesses,” then returning to see if our guesses make sense. In writing, we are focusing on spelling basic high frequency words correctly, and stretching out other words. We are trying to hear the beginning & ending sounds, as well as a vowel sound. We’re going to be working harder on including finger spaces in between the words as we write. We are working on writing complete sentences, with capital letters at the beginning and a period or question mark at the end. We’re reading books by Tomie dePaola and others for inspiration on how to get IDEAS for our writing.

Math: We’re beginning to learn combinations that equal a sum of 10. (7+3, 5+5, 8+2, etc) We’re adding and subtracting through number stories. We’re continuing to memorize some “doubles” facts, such as 4+4, 5+5, etc. We’re working with numbers up to 110 on our Number Grid. We will work on telling time to the hour this week, reviewing the names of the hands and how to read the clock. We’re reviewing calendar skills and reading the Fahrenheit thermometer.

Science: We’ve been reviewing the months and seasons, comparing and contrasting activities and changes in weather and nature at different times of the year.