Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Read All About It! Newsletter from Sept. 12

• September 12~ Good News Club begins
• 9/15~ Wendy’s Night 5-8pm
• 9/16~ MAP testing
• 9/21~ Early Release Day
• 9/23~ MAP testing & Last day to order PTO T-shirts

EMGames Online: Your child is bringing home a card with directions how to access Every Day Mathematics games from any computer with internet access. Please put these cards in a special place. If you do not have a computer at home, remember that you can use the computers through the public library system.

Library day is FRIDAY!

Please remember to send a small, healthy snack that can be quickly and independently eaten in the mornings.

PTO news: Wow! Our class is really kicking it with the BOX TOP BLITZ! Thank you for sending in those Box Tops and other labels!
A HUGE thank you to our PTO and everyone who supported our school at our Apple Festival booth! Our PTO is so supportive of our school!

1. This week, please look over the following “FIRST GRADE” high frequency words. If your child can easily recognize them for reading, go ahead and begin practicing the spelling of these words. Our main goal now is for the children to be able to read them at first sight; spelling will come later.
all, are, get, had, has, like, he, she, me, will
2. READING: Please read with your child for 15 minutes, with a timer. This may include your child reading to you and you reading to or with your child. Please record the 15 minutes read on the reading log. You may read personal books or library books for the rest of the 15 minutes.
3. Math homework will go home on Tuesday and Thursday of this week! (We slipped out the door without it last week!! Sorry!)

Language Arts: We will continue to work on letter sounds, especially short vowel sounds, & letter formation. We are working on spelling words, writing sentences with spacing between words, and including periods at the end of sentences. We are learning how to brainstorm for ideas and organize our thoughts for writing. We are focusing on using our fingers to point to the words as we read, using the pictures for clues, and “getting our mouths ready” as we face unknown words. We are reading stories (fiction) and reading for information (non-fiction).

Math: We’re working on number formation. We’ll be using a number line and other strategies to solve number stories with adding and subtracting. We are playing some Every Day Math games online, so you will know how to play them at home!

Science: We will learn more about the life cycle of apples and begin to study the seasons.

Social Studies: We will learn a little about our country and our constitution.