Monday, November 14, 2011

Read All About It! News from Nov. 14

•Nov. 17~ PTO Christmas Ornament fundraiser
•Nov. 23-25~ School closed for Thanksgiving holiday
•Dec. 6~ Winter Readerland! 5:30-7:00 pm
More information to go home, but mark your calendars now!
•Dec. 20~Westminster Elementary School will hold its annual White Christmas program.The program for Kindergarten through 2nd grade will be held from 8:15 – 9:15 followed by our 3rd through 5th Grade program from 9:30 – 10:30.

PTO NEWS: The PTO movie night has been cancelled for Friday, November 18th and has been rescheduled for Friday, January 6th.

Please see the SCRIP fundraising packets that were sent home today. These are due back Monday, November 28th. This allows everyone time to see family over the Thanksgiving holiday and get some sales!!

We made $203 last week at Wendy's Night! A big thank you to all of you who were able to come out and support our school! I was so impressed with the turn out when I was there.

From Fourth and Fifth Grades: HOT DOUGHNUTS NOW!! Krispy Kreme doughnuts will be on sale during the morning car rider line on Friday, December 2, 2011. All proceeds go towards the 4th grade field trip to Stone Mountain and the 5th grade field trip to Camp Greenville. Doughnuts will cost $6.00 per dozen (only sold by the dozen). If you were to buy them in the store a dozen would cost $6.99! Exact change would be greatly appreciated and would help the flow of morning car rider line.

100 Book Challenge: Thank you for the feedback that you are sending on your child’s Skills Card! I can see daily improvement in the children and their reading. Thank you for continuing to review the skills and strategies on the cards. By now, your child should be able to read for 2 15 minute periods at home, or maybe even 30 minutes in row. Let me know how that is working out! Thanks for your support.

Please continue to review High Frequency words for first grade. If you haven’t had the chance to check it out lately, visit our class webpage for some links to sites that are terrific for reading and spelling these words. If you do not have a computer with internet access at home, remember that you can visit the public library!

Math homework will go home on Tuesday and Thursday of this week! In addition to the sheets that go home, please work on adding facts +0, +1, +2, +3, and double facts such as (2+2, 5+5, 7+7, 10+10).

Language Arts: This week we will continue reading and writing about Farms. This unit combines standards from ELA, Social Studies and Science! We’ll learn more about reading non-fiction for information, paying attention to special features such as bold print, subtitles, glossaries and indexes. In writing, we’re continuing to emphasize spelling, capital letters written in the correct places, and ending punctuation. We’ll learn more about writing more than one sentence on the same topic as we organize our ideas.

Math: We have been working on patterns, and will learn about even and odd numbers, adding and subtracting on a number line, and telling time to the half-hour.

Our addition is going so well! We’re working on Rocket Math, which emphasizes speed and repetition for memorization of facts.

Social Studies: As part of our unit on farms, we’ll learn about how we use resources from the earth. We’ll also talk about jobs that are related to getting farm products from the farm to our homes.

Science: We’ll be learning about living things and “non-living” things. We will study about the needs of all living things and the similarities and differences between animals and plants.