Friday, October 4, 2013

Newsletter from September 30

•Sept. 30- Oct. 4~ First Grade MAP testing
•Oct. 1~ Chick Fil-A night
•Oct. 4~ Our first Stop, Drop, and Write day!
•Oct. 9~ “Walk to School Day”
•Oct. 14~ Student Pictures taken

PTO news: PTO in coordination with Sheila’s Oasis in Westminster will host Zumba classes in the lunch room every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 beginning October 2. These sessions have been extended from standard studio sessions to provide you a longer workout. So come out, get fit, and support a local business in our community!

Monthly pricing details are below and we ask that you arrive 15 minutes early on the first day to complete enrollment forms.
•$25 Adults/$12 each child **A paying adult must accompany children during each session.
•Cash or checks made payable to WES PTO are accepted.
•Bring Water Bottle/Drink &Comfortable tennis shoes

• Upcoming Events:
•-10/2 Zumba exercise classes begin at 3:30 in the lunch room. Classes are hosted each Wednesday.
•-10/15 Wendy's Restaurant Night
•-10/17 Math & Science Night - hot dogs, chips, and drinks will be sold
•-11/1 Movie Night (tentative Monsters University)
•-11/4 Christmas Finger Print Ornament decoration from Glazed Pottery
•-11/4 Box Top Blitz begins
•Always learn more on our PTO page at

Parent Conferences:
MAP testing will finish up on Thursday of this week. I would like to begin scheduling conferences with each of you beginning on Monday, October 7. Please return the conference letter that will go home this week as soon as possible. Thanks in advance for your help in scheduling these conferences. I look forward to sharing assessments with you and discussing our goals for the year!

This week, please look over the following FIRST GRADE high frequency words:
all, day, got, has, jump, make, of, ran, some, then
If your child can easily recognize them for reading, go ahead and begin practicing the spelling of these words.
(Continue to review all Kindergarten words: blue, I, jump, me, my, not, play, run, up, you, away, big, find, funny, here, in, look, make, said, we and, can, come, down, for, go, help, is, it, little, blue, here, I, in, look, make, not, on, was, you)

READING: EVERY DAY, please read with your child for 15 minutes, with a timer. Be sure to write a title on your child’s reading log and initial it.
MATH: Tuesday and Thursday of this week.

Language Arts: Last week we easily reached 12 minutes in silent reading. We’ll try 15 minutes this week. We’ll continue review short vowel sounds. We are working on writing more than one sentence on the same topic, using spaces between words and capital letters in the correct places. We are trying to spelling our kindergarten high frequency words correctly.

Math: We took the Topic 1 assessment on Addition today. We’ll begin Topic 2, subtraction, tomorrow. We will start with “Missing Parts” in addition, such as 5+____=7 to help us see that 7-5=2. Please look over the Topic Opener that will go home tomorrow.