Monday, November 17, 2008


· Nov. 26-30~ Thanksgiving holidays

Field Trip: Thank you to all of our parent chaperones last week! Despite missing out on the trip to the farm, we enjoyed our day. Check out our class web page for information about the Heritage Center in Walhalla. It was so interesting seeing Oconee County’s history. I was very proud of the class; their behavior and great attitudes helped make the day special. The parents were wonderful to stay and listen to the children read, too! We will save any unused funds from this trip for a new trip in the spring.

Family Photos: Please allow your child to share and display 4-5 photos of family members between now and Thanksgiving. I promise we’ll take good care of them!

TAKE HOME READERS: Thank you for your continued support with this program! Please remind your child to point to each word as while reading. It’s important to read for at least 15 minutes each day, with books from home or library books. Thanks for your help! I would especially like to thank all parents who have volunteered to come in and help the children choose their books.

SNACKS: Thank you for sending a healthy snack that can be quickly and independently eaten by your child each day.

Reminders: Thank you for remembering library books on Tues. & remembering to wear sneakers on our PE days, Weds. and Fri.

Thank you for sending in Campbell Soup labels, Box Tops for Education, Tyson points, Nestle water bottle labels, and can tabs.

HOMEWORK: Thank you for continuing to review all old high frequency words. Remember that our immediate goal is for all children to be able to read these words at first sight. Then, we are working on spelling them correctly, at all times. We will do a reading & spelling assessment at some point in the next 2 weeks, to give us an idea of how we are progressing.

Our newest words are: did, didn’t, do, don’t, wasn’t, can’t, it’s, that’s, I’ll, I’m
High Frequency Word List to review: can, down, just, all, said, went, too, over, not, jump, run, and, in, is, it, can, help, got, at, eat, for, was, are, what, have, say, then, now, how

Language Arts: We will be reading and writing about families, traditions, and Thanksgiving in the next 2 weeks. We will continue our study of the author, Mercer Mayer, creator of the Little Critter books and others. We’ve been learning about contractions such as I’ll, I’m, can’t, & wasn’t and compound words like forgot, sometimes, & myself. We are focusing on base words and the endings: -ed, -ing, -s in our reading and writing. We are continuing to work on writing multiple sentences on one topic, focusing on handwriting, spacing, spelling, proper use of capital letters and periods & question marks.

MATH: In addition, we’re adding facts with +0, +1, +2, +3, and doubles up to 10+10. We’ll continue to count combinations of nickels and pennies. We’ll be learning about odd and even numbers, patterns on the number grid, and beginning to tell time to the half hour, using the expression “half-past ___ o’clock.”

Social Studies: We’ve been learning so much about our government and our country with Election Day and Veteran’s Day. With our visit to the Heritage Center, we learned about ways inventions have helped our communication and transportation throughout history. We’ll be learning more about the first Thanksgiving and early Americans, comparing their lives to ours. Finally, we’ll be sharing family traditions and customs.

Have a wonderful week, and enjoy the long holiday weekend with your families! As always, please let me know if you have any questions.