Wednesday, March 25, 2009


News from Mrs. Martin’s First Grade
March 24, 2009
·March 25~ PTO meeting at 3:05 in the library: All are invited!
·March 27~ Spring Pictures: individual and Class pictures will be taken (Be sure to send $10 if you would like to order a class picture.)
·March 31~ Report Cards go home
·April 10~ Make Up day for our snow day
·April 11-19~ Spring Break (I had the wrong dates last week! Sorry)

Relay for Life: This is the last week we’ll be collecting coins. Thank you to everyone who is contributing to this cause as we help fight cancer! Several children have brought in quarters for our class collection. Many of you have also sent in film canisters of your own collections of quarters! Our class has raised well over $140 so far! Thank you! Anyone who would still like film canisters for home just let me know.

LIONS CLUB COMPUTERS: Just a reminder that the Lion’s Club still has computers available for our students at the Old School Distract Building in Walhalla. They are there on Mondays from 10 AM until 4:30 PM except on holidays. They are still giving them out with grade appropriate software installed and they do have some printers (no ink).

TAKE HOME READERS: Wow! Thank you for the smooth transition from the old Take Home Reader envelopes to the reading logs! PLEASE be sure to set a timer for 15 minutes, and sit with your child during this time. Please record the title of your child’s favorite book on the Reading Log. Your child’s Skills Card is in the folder; please go over the skills on the front and the sight words on the back each day and return to school in the folder. Thanks for your help!
HOMEWORK: Math homework will continue this week. Daily homework includes a math sheet, the review of spelling our high frequency words & reviewing addition facts. Please support your child by reading and explaining any directions, but allow them to do the work on their own. Use of pencil is preferred. If at any time you have questions or concerns about an assignment, please just jot a note on the homework. Thanks for your help!

NO EXCUSE WORDS: For spelling, please continue to focus on the high frequency words that should be spelled correctly at all times. These words should be automatic and consistently right. Please be sure your child knows how to spell these words: the, I, to, and, is, see, you, like, me, my, play, of, they, was, are

Language Arts: We are incorporating many Social Studies standards into our LA for the next few weeks. We will be reading and writing about the differences between our town, cities, states, countries, and the continents. We are learning how to read maps and globes. Eventually we’ll be learning about different children around the world, comparing their families, homes, & schools to ours. In writing, we’re really focusing on proofreading and editing our own work for capitalization, spelling of no excuse words, spacing, and punctuation. We are learning more about the different sounds vowels have: their short sounds, and the long sounds they make when “they say their name.” We are especially focusing on vowel with silent ‘e’ and vowel “teams,” such as ‘ea,’ ‘oa,’ and ‘ai.’

MATH: Our Rocket Math program is going so well! The children are getting faster and faster. We have a few children finishing up Level B, and others scattered all along the way to I! Thank you for remembering to practice these facts every day by listening to your child SAY the facts from the top of the page in one minute. We are practicing with partners daily and testing on Wednesday, and Friday.

We are also working with Fact Families this week, focusing on the relationship between + and – facts. For example, if we know that 2+6=8, and 6+2=8, then we know that 8-2=6 and 8-6=2.
Have a great week!