Tuesday, October 6, 2009


News from Mrs. Martin’s First Grade Class
Title I School
October 5, 2009

· Oct. 5~ Picture Money due (Make up pictures will be taken on 10/21)
· Oct. 6~ Domino’s Pizza Night
· Oct. 7~ Deadline to turn in illustrations for the PTO Cookbook
· Oct. 7~ Lunch with a “Loved One” and visit the book fair
· Oct. 5-8~ Book Fair in the Media Center
· Oct. 8~ Family Literacy Night 5-7 pm (book fair will be open)
· Oct. 13~ Spirit Night at Chick~Fil~A
· Oct. 15~ Deadline to turn in recipes for the PTO cookbook
· Oct. 16 & 19~ Teacher In Service & Workday/ Student Holidays
· Oct. 23~ First Grade Field Trip
· Oct. 30~ Early Release day for students

Parent Conferences: The first grade teachers are meeting with Mrs. Douglas to discuss the MAP scores after school today, so conferences will begin this week. Please look for letter to schedule your conference. Thanks in advance for your help with this!

THANK YOU to Garrett Rholetter, Dakota Lewis, Garrett Hare, Noah Lay, and Addison Boggs for bringing in recipes for our school cookbook!

The “School Store” will be open for business before school on Wednesdays & Thursdays.
Thank you for checking your child’s calendar & green Take Home Folder every day.
Please help your child remember to wear sneakers on our PE days, Mondays & Wednesdays. Our library day is Friday.
Please also remember to send a small, healthy snack that can be quickly and independently eaten in the mornings.
Thanks for remembering to send all money to school in an envelope, clearly labeled with your child’s name, my name, and what the money is for.

Homework: For this week, please add the following first grade high-frequency words:
am, are, can’t, get, not, on, said, that, this, too

We will go over these at our upcoming conferences. If your child can easily recognize them for reading, go ahead and begin practicing the spelling of these words. Our main goal now is for the children to be able to read them at first sight; spelling will come later.
Please continue to review the K words: a, and, away, big, blue, can, cat, come, dad, dog, down, find, for, funny, go, help, I, in, is, it, jump, little, look, make, me, mom, my, not, one, play, red, run, said, see, the, three, to, two, up, we, yellow, you and the FIRST GRADE WORDS all, eat, got, has, have, like, of, put, was, will

Continue to read daily for at least 15 minutes. At times, your child will have more than one book per night. On these days, please be sure to read everything in the folder. On Fridays, it is “optional” to bring home books. Many children chose “blue tag” books last week, which is great for a Friday afternoon!

Language Arts: We are working on spelling using beginning, middle, and ending sounds of words, writing sentences with spacing between words, and including periods at the end of sentences. We are continuing to focus on using our fingers to point to the words as we read, using the pictures for clues, and “getting our mouths ready” as we face unknown words. We’re noticing patterns and rhyming words (word families) in our reading. We are comparing and contrasting things by noting similarities and differences. As we begin our long unit on THE FARM, we’ll be reading fiction & non fiction books together.

Math: We’ve been working on telling time to the hour, discussing the placement of both hands and looking at digital clocks, too. We’ve been working on sums that are equal to 10. We will continue to create and read graphs. We’re continuing to use the class number grid, the thermometer, and nickels & pennies. We’re reviewing counting by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s up to 50 and higher.

Science: We will continue making observations about things from nature. We’ll begin learning a little bit about farm animals, comparing and contrasting their different characteristics and needs.