Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 1, 2010 Newsletter

· Feb. 11~ Valentine’s Day party at 1:30
· 2/12~ In service Day
· 2/15~ President’s Day Holiday (if not needed as a snow make up day)
· 2/18~ Chick Fil~A Spirit Night
· 2/24~ Family Math & Science Night 5-7 pm
· 2/26~ Early Release at 1:00

HELP FOR HAITI: Thank you for supporting our Student Council and BETA club collection for the people of HAITI. We are asking students to bring at least one dollar if they can. Our class was so generous during our White Christmas Food Drive!

Thank you for continuing to send in Campbell’s soup labels, General Mills’ Box tops, and Nestle Pure Life water bottle labels! Our library day is Friday. Wear sneakers on our PE days, Mondays & Wednesdays!

Homework: We will have math homework 3 days this week. Thank you for your assistance!

High Frequency Words: The children have done a wonderful job learning to read and spell many of the First Grade High Frequency words. A NEW list is going home with the newsletter today. At this point in the year, your child should be able to easily read all of the K and 1st words. (If they still struggle with some, continue to review.) Our focus in the classroom has switched to working on the correct spelling of these words at all times. You may find it helpful to sit down with your child, and check off the words that can already be easily spelled. Highlight the words which your child needs to practice. If your child would like to write sentences using these words to show me in class, they may. However, although it IS expected for your child to practice spelling, it is NOT required to “hand in” anything to me. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions about spelling. Thanks for your help!

TAKE HOME READERS/100 BOOK CHALLENGE: Wow! We’re reading up a storm! PLEASE be sure to allow your child to read independently for a minimum of 15 minutes daily. Set a timer. Listen to your child as he/she reads, then sign the reading log and return to school. IF YOUR CHILD has the stamina and desire to read an additional 15 minutes later in the evening, then it is okay to “earn” a 2nd step. As always, please let me know if you have any questions about this program. Fridays are still set aside as an optional, “Free Choice” reading day. The children are welcome to bring home any book from our classroom library to read over the weekend. Please remember to take time daily to review the skills & strategies on the front of your child’s Skills Card, as well as any sight words on the back. Keep these in the folder, as we use them at school.

Language Arts: During the month of January, we read books about winter and snow. We will study the author of THE SNOW DAY, Ezra Jack Keats, this week. Next week we’ll read and write about friends.

Math: Congratulations to ALL of our Math Masters! Our entire class met the M&M Challenge, and we’re currently working on Rocket Math. You will see these sheets coming home more frequently this month. Your child may practice his/her facts “orally” or in writing. In class, we practice for 2 minutes, but test for 1 minute. We try to test 3 or 5 times a week. Just as with spelling, it is required to practice your addition facts daily, but you do not need to turn in anything to me unless you wish to. Thanks for your help!

For our 100th Day Celebration last week, we worked on patterns that equal 100. For example, 10 rows of 10, 5 rows of 20, 4 rows of 25 and equal 100. Along with addition, we’re studying combinations of coins that equal a dollar, including quarters. We’re working on reading thermometers. We’re measuring in feet, and then we’ll move onto inches and centimeters.

Finally, I would like to thank you for your support and understanding these past few weeks. Once again, I’ve been absent far more than is usual for me! I realize that many of you do not know what has been going on in my personal life, so I thought I’d give a brief explanation. The children know that Amanda and I have moved from our house into a townhouse in Clemson. I am going through a separation with Mr. Randy, and things have finally settled down. We are moved into our new home, and I do not anticipate anymore dates that I’ll be out. You should be seeing much more consistency with our newsletters, communication, and homework. Please do not hesitate to contact me at anytime with questions or concerns. Thanks for all that you do!