Tuesday, April 20, 2010


· Apr. 20-23~ MAP testing
· Apr. 23~ Early Release at 1:00
· Apr. 23~ Chick Fil~A character carnival. See letter that went home on Monday. They are also having a Groovy Costume Contest and will be giving away T-Shirts to the top 10 winners with the grooviest outfits! The contest will be at 6 pm and is open to all ages.
· Apr. 24~ PTO Yard Sale & Bake Sale: $5 for a table, or just come and do some shopping!
· May 7~ Field Trip to the Greenville Zoo!

Thank you to all of you who have already returned your blue registration form for next year. If you haven’t, please send it as soon as possible. Thanks!

Spring pictures went home last week. If you are not interested in buying a package, just return the pictures. Thanks to those of you who have already done this!

FIELD TRIP: As of right now, we have had 8 parents sign up to be chaperones for the trip. Thanks! Please return your permission slips as soon as you can so that we may get an accurate count.

Thank you for continuing to send in Campbell’s soup labels, General Mills’ Box tops, and Nestle Pure Life water bottle labels! Our library day is Friday. Wear sneakers on our PE days, Mondays & Wednesdays!

Homework: We will have math homework Monday, Tues and Weds this week.

TAKE HOME READERS/100 BOOK CHALLENGE: It’s getting hard to keep up with how many steps everyone has! Congratulations to Noah, Garrett R, & Scarlett for reaching over 200 steps! The following students have over 150 steps: Caroline, Garrett H., Lee, Gracie, Mac, Isaac, Addison, Beau, Dakota, Alexis, Paige, and Cole. Thank you also for reviewing your child’s Skills Cards regularly. I’ve been holding individual reading conferences with the children, and many of them have gotten new cards. Thanks for reviewing old skills as well.

Language Arts: We are wrapping up our Social Studies unit of homes and families around the world. We’ll then begin our unit on plants & insects, and our author study of Eric Carle. We’ll be learning more about the parts of non fiction books, such as headings, subtitles, captions, indexes and glossaries. We are working on reading with better fluency, paying attention to commas, quotation marks and question marks in our reading. We are also working on editing our writing for spelling, punctuation and capitalization.

In word work, we’re focusing on words that rhyme with common spelling patterns and words pairs such as here & deer that rhyme, but have different spelling patterns. We’re learning about antonyms (opposites) and synonyms (words that have similar meanings.) We learning about homophones, which are words that sound alike, but are spelled differently, such as hear & here, their & there, etc. We are continuing to work on long vowel sounds and spelling patterns, such as “magic e” at the end of words, and vowel “teams” such as ‘ea,’ “oa,” and ‘ai.’

Math: We’re working with place value and “tens” and “ones.” We are continuing to work on addition facts, with more emphasis on subtraction. We’re learning how to use the number chart to add larger numbers, such as 35+10. We are working on comparison number stories, answering questions such as, “Who has more? How much more?”

Have a great week!