Sunday, August 15, 2010

Watermelon Welcome and First Day!

Wow! It was wonderful meeting so many of you last week! For those of you unable to attend our Watermelon Welcome, I'm looking forward to getting to know you soon. We have an exciting year ahead of us!

An "Important Information" sheet was one of the many papers sent home with you last week. A condensed version of our daily schedule, along with information about snack and money was included. I am posting that information here so that you may access it at any time!

Get to sleep early tonight, and we'll see you in the morning!


Daily Schedule:
· Homeroom bell~7:50
· Tardy bell~ 7:55
· CAMPE~ 11:00-11:45
Monday: PE(wear sneakers!)
Tuesday: art
Wednesday: PE or computers
Thursday: computers or PE
Friday: music
· Lunch~ 11:55-12:20
· Recess~ 2:05-2:25

Snack: We will have a mid-morning snack. Please send a small, healthy snack that can be eaten independently each day. Examples include: cheese sticks, carrots, pretzels, apple slices, raisins, crackers, etc. Please do not send candy, cookies, chips, etc. A water bottle filled with water may be sent to bring to recess each day.

Stop Work Bell~ 2:40
Bus Riders~ 2:44
Car Riders~ 2:48

*MONEY: Please put all money sent to school in a sealed envelope with your child’s first and last name, my name, and what the money is for on the envelope.

Thank you for using your Take Home Folder for all correspondence to and from school!

Thank you!