Monday, August 30, 2010

Read All About It! Aug. 30 Newsletter

Thank you to everyone for helping this year get off to a wonderful start! The children are adjusting to our daily routines and getting to know each other. We have a super group of hard workers and good friends!

• September 6~ Labor Day Holiday
• September 13~ Good News Club begins

Please help your child remember to wear sneakers on our PE days, Mondays & Wednesday or Thursdays. Our library day will be Wednesdays. Please also remember to send a small, healthy snack that can be quickly and independently eaten in the mornings. Sometimes we will continue to work through snack time, so it’s important that you send something that can be eaten neatly. Thank you for using your child’s red Take Home Folder for all communication to and from school. Please initial in each calendar box daily, so I know you’ve seen it. And finally, thank you for remembering to send all money to school in an envelope, clearly labeled with your child’s name, my name, and what the money is for. Thanks!

THANK YOU to AJ’s “nanny!” She sent some extra snacks for us to have on hand for days when we forget. Thanks for thinking of us!

PTO news: Thanks to all of you who joined our PTO at Watermelon Welcome. We’ve had lots of people send in their Ingle’s card numbers, which is one of the easiest ways for our school to earn money. We are collecting Box Tops, Coke lids and codes from boxes, Campbell Soup labels for Education, and can tabs! Thanks for sending these items in.

WELCOME: You may have heard your child mention Mrs. Susan Hoover. I’d like to introduce her as an integral part of our classroom this year. She will be teaching with me for 30 minutes each morning, as well as 30 minutes each afternoon. Up until this time, she has been getting to know the children and assisting with assessments. In the next couple of weeks, our schedule should be a bit more finalized, and she will begin small group instruction. Some of you have already met her as you’ve been in and out of school. She will hopefully attend some parent conferences and Open House with us. I’m so happy to have her on board!

Homework: At this point in the year, your child’s main homework will consist of working on reading (& spelling) high frequency words and reading daily at home. Beginning next week, I will add math homework. For this week, please look over the following “kindergarten” high frequency words. If your child can easily recognize them for reading, go ahead and begin practicing the spelling of these words. Our main goal now is for the children to be able to read them at first sight; spelling will come later.

a, and, away, big, blue, can, cat, come, dad, dog, down, find, for, funny, go, help, I, in, is, it, jump, little, look, make, me, mom, my, not, one, play, red, run, said, see, the, three, to, two, up, we, yellow, you

Also begin to set aside a solid 15 minute slot of time for you and your child to read together. Next week we will begin our Take Home Reader program, where the children will bring books home from the class to ready each day. Thanks in advance for your cooperation with homework! Together, we can work together to help your child reach his or her fullest potential!

Language Arts: We will continue to work on letter sounds, letter identification & formation. We are working on beginning and ending sounds of words, writing sentences with spacing between words, and including periods at the end of sentences. This week we are focusing on using our fingers to point to the words as we read, using the pictures for clues, and “getting our mouths ready” as we face unknown words. We are reading stories (fiction) and reading for information (non-fiction).

Math: We’re continuing to work on number recognition, formation, and identification. We’re comparing numbers using the terms “greater than & less than” using the number line and number chart. We’ll begin using “tools,” such as coins, pattern templates, and dice. We’re reviewing calendar skills and counting pennies.

Social Studies: We have been learning how routines & rules help us in our classroom community.