Monday, September 13, 2010

READ ALL ABOUT IT! September 13 Newsletter

• September 13~ Good News Club begins
• September 14, 16, 21 & 23~ MAP testing
• September 15~ Early Release day for students at 12:45
• Sept. 16~ Mid-term reports go home
• Sept. 22~ Picture Money due

IMPORTANT!! Effectively immediately, Mr. McLeod has made the decision that Silly Band bracelets are no longer allowed at school. We are trying to have the most effective learning environment for our students. Thank you for your help with this.

Please help your child remember to wear sneakers on our PE days, Mondays & Wednesday or Thursdays. Our library day is Wednesdays. Please also remember to send a small, healthy snack that can be quickly and independently eaten in the mornings. Thank you for using your child’s red Take Home Folder for all communication to and from school. Please initial in each calendar box daily, so I know you’ve seen it. Thanks!

Congratulations to Ryleigh Lee! She logged the greatest number of minutes reading this summer OUT OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL!

THANK YOU to Ryan’s mom, Cheryl Carver! She shared her crock pot with us on Friday so that we could make apple sauce! YUM!

PTO news: Thanks to everyone who came out to support us at the Apple Festival! We’re getting ready to kickoff the Pumpkin Patch in October.

WELCOME! We are so happy to have Peyton Bridges in our class! He joined us today, bringing our total to a nice even 18 students.

From the library: Please remind your child that all materials checked out need to be kept in dry, safe places. Damage by pets or water will require fines to be paid. If the item cannot be repaired cost of replacement will be charged. All fines must be paid before more materials can be checked out during the year. Tips: keep water bottles outside of the backpack, keep materials on a shelf/in book bag when at home, monitor younger siblings if near your child’s library materials.”

TAKE HOME READERS have gotten off to a terrific start, with your help! Thank you for setting aside at least 15 minutes each day for reading. Sit with your child as he or she reads the THR with you, and then use the remainder of the time reading library books or personal books together. (You only need to write the title of the THR on the form though.)

Homework: Again, at this time of the year, your child’s main homework will consist of working on reading (& spelling) high frequency words and reading daily at home. Beginning this week, I have added math homework. For now, please continue to review the kindergarten “high frequency words”. If your child can easily recognize them for reading, go ahead and begin practicing the spelling of these words. Our main goal now is for the children to be able to read them at first sight; spelling will come later.

a, and, away, big, blue, can, cat, come, dad, dog, down, find, for, funny, go, help, I, in, is, it, jump, little, look, make, me, mom, my, not, one, play, red, run, said, see, the, three, to, two, up, we, yellow, you

Continue to set aside a solid 15 minute slot of time for you and your child to read together. Next week we will begin our Take Home Reader program, where the children will bring books home from the class to ready each day. Thanks in advance for your cooperation with homework! Together, we can work together to help your child reach his or her fullest potential!

Language Arts: We are working on using our pointer fingers as we read, as well as applying strategies when we get to word we don’t know. These strategies were included with your child’s first Take Home Reader. In writing, we are focusing on spelling basic high frequency words correctly, and stretching out other words. We are trying to hear the beginning & ending sounds, as well as a vowel sound. We’re going to be working harder on including finger spaces in between the words as we write.

Math: We’re continuing to work on number formation & identification. We’re comparing numbers using the terms “greater than & less than” using the number line and number chart. We’re working on calendar skills and reading the Fahrenheit thermometer .

Science: We have learned about the life cycle of an apple, from seed, to tree, to bud, blossom, and back to the apple.