Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Newsletter from October 3, 2011

• The Book Fair is here all week! Family Night is 10/6 from 5:30-7:30
• 10/5~ Walk to School Day
• 10/10~ Fire Safety Week begins
• 10/10~ Parent Conferences will begin. Please look for a letter to schedule these meetings early this week. I am looking forward to meeting with each of you!
• 10/11~ Last day to order & pay for pictures.
• 10/11~ Chick Fil~A Night with free Face Painting! 5-8 pm

PTO news: Thanks to all of you who helped unload pumpkins at the Pumpkin Patch! Please stop by and buy some pumpkins, play in the corn, and support our school. If you have questions about our SCRIP fundraiser, just let us know! Thank you for your tremendous participation in our BOX TOP BLITZ! Thank you for sending these and other labels in. Our PTO is so supportive of our school!

Please continue to review High Frequency words for first grade. I am no longer working on “weekly” class lists. Your child will be receiving a Skills Card with the 100 Book Challenge program that will be more specific to his or her needs. We’ll go over this at our parent conferences.
1. READING: Thank you for your help with the 100 Book Challenge Books! The children have been terrific at keeping up with taking home so many books! As always, please read with your child for 15 minutes, with a timer. We are working on building up the amount of time that the children can read independently. These 100 Book Challenge books should be easy for your child to read. You may read personal books or library books for the rest of the 15 minutes.
2. Math homework will go home on Tuesday and Thursday of this week! In addition to the sheets that go home, please work on adding facts +0, +1, +2 and double facts such as (2+2, 5+5, 7+7, 10+10)

Introductions: Over the past few weeks, the first grade has been fortunate to receive assistance from a wide variety of people. We are continuously working on grouping our children flexibly in order to meet their individual needs. I will talk about these groups in greater detail at our conference, but I’d like to take this time to tell you about Mrs. Jenn Steele and Mrs. Susan Hoover. They work with our students at various times throughout the day on reading and math skills. Mrs. Shirl Bryson is a volunteer who has joined us every morning to work with students on reading skills. And finally, we are working on a new schedule of sending students to the school computer lab to work with Mrs. Debbie Levasseur on the Success Maker program. If you hear your child talking about working with one of these ladies, hopefully you will now know a little more about them.

Request: Our second grade teachers have loaned us some Leap Pad electronic books to use with our students. They use lots of batteries! If you would be able to donate AAA batteries throughout the year, we could certainly use them! We appreciate any help we can get! Thanks!

Language Arts: We will continue to work on vowel sounds & letter formation. We are working on spelling words, writing complete sentences with spacing between words, and including periods at the end of sentences. We are learning how to brainstorm for ideas and organize our thoughts for writing. We are focusing on using our fingers to point to the words as we read, using the pictures for clues, and “getting our mouths ready” as we face unknown words. We are reading stories (fiction) and reading for information (non-fiction).

Math: We will work with pennies and nickels, telling time to the hour, and patterns in counting. We are adding by counting up. We use the number line and other strategies to solve number stories with adding and subtracting.

Science: We will wrap up our study of the seasons, the weather, the sun, the earth, and the moon this week.

Social Studies: We will continue to learn geography by using a map and a globe. We’re learning the differences between “states,” “countries,” and “continents.” We are learning how we are different, yet similar, to children and their families around the world.

October is Fire Safety Month, so we will learn ways to prevent fires, as well as what to do in case of an emergency. We’ll be learning about the jobs firefighters do.