Monday, December 12, 2011

READ ALL ABOUT IT! News from Dec. 12

THANK YOU for helping your child discover the meaning of generosity! Our class has already collected 76 food items and $41.18!! We are counting our items daily, and we’re looking forward to watching the amounts grow day by day. Every little bit helps! Thank you!

Our school will be presenting its annual White Christmas program on Tuesday, December 20th. In order to better accommodate our audiences, we will be presenting two separate programs. Our Kindergarten – 2nd Grade program will begin at 8:15 AM and end at 9:15, then our 3rd Grade – 5th Grade program will begin at 9:30 AM and end at 10:30 AM.
Suggested student dress for this performance is as follows:

Boys: Nice slacks and shirt (combinations of white, red, and green, if possible)

Girls: Dress or nice slacks and shirt (combinations of white, red and green, if possible)

•The book fair leaves tomorrow!
•Dec. 20~ White Christmas program followed by our classroom party at 9:45. Many of you have already offered to help! The class voted to order pizzas from Domino’s. Please send $2.00 to help cover the cost!
•Jan. 6~ PTO movie night

Thank you to Kade and Jaxton’s families for participating in our Christmas Family Writing project! It’s not too late to send YOUR’S in! Mrs. Henderson would like for your family to participate in a Christmas Family Writing Assignment. Please allow each member of your family to write down one Christmas memory starting with the youngest member of the family and going to the oldest. Each member will add their own memory of Christmas to the piece of writing. Send the writing in with a photo attached (if possible) and it will be posted on a bulletin board in our school.
For Example:
I love the smell of cookies baking (George-Age 2). I remember Santa bringing me presents (Sam-Age 5). I remember our family making homemade stockings and hanging them on the fire place (mom). I remember my dad reading the Christmas story out of the Bible on Christmas Eve (dad).

100 Book Challenge: CONGRATULATIONS to Austin Gibson and Courtney Carter! They have also reached their 100th steps with 25 hours of reading! Hooray! Many more readers are getting close!Thank you for continuing to review the skills and strategies on the cards. By now, your child should be able to read for 2 15 minute periods at home, or maybe even 30 minutes in row. Thanks for your support.

Language Arts: This week we will be reading and talking about Christmas traditions and other winter holidays. We are working on reading and writing blends, such as sn, sp, bl, br, pr, tr and long and short vowel spelling patterns.

Math: We are going to be learning something new with “Frames and Arrows.” This is a fun way to work with addition and subtraction patterns.

Social Studies: We will be discussing ways that families celebrate holidays around the world.