Monday, March 5, 2012

Read All About It! News from February 13

•2/10~ Field trip lunch choice and chaperone request form due
•2/14~ Valentine’s Day Party at 1:45. Please send $2.00 to help cover the cost. Thanks to those of you who have already done so.
•2/24~ In-service Day/ Student Holiday
•2/27~ Field Trip money due
•March 1~ Field Trip to the Children’s Museum in Greenville
•March 2~ Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! Read Across America day.

PTO News: Thank you for supporting the Box Top BLITZ! Our class collected OVER 800 Box Tops!!

Valentine’s Day-No Deliveries Please:
Please refrain from sending deliveries of gifts, balloons, flowers, etc. to school for Valentine’s Day. This can not only cause a disruption of teaching and learning but can create a disturbance for students who may not receive gifts. It also can become dangerous for items to be carried home that are breakable. Please choose a location outside of school to share these items with your child. Thanks! Mrs. Henderson

MISSING: We are missing several 100 Book Challenge books! PLEASE look for the following titles at home. We can not bring new books home until some of these are located. Thank you for your help.
YY~ The Snake and Tina’s Toys
G~ At My School and Time for Lunch
GG~ I am Climbing and The Kittens
B~ People Dance
BB~ My First Riddles and Please Don’t Feed the Bears

100 Book Challenge: Congratulations to our most recent 100th step earner, Fabian!
HOORAY! Austin earned his 200th step over the weekend!! Way to go! Is YOUR child reading for at least 30 minutes at home?

Language Arts: We are continuing to learn the differences in informational text and reading stories. We’re learning more about contractions and compound words and unusual vowel sounds. We are focusing on THINKING more about our reading before, during, and after we read. And finally, we are really focusing on CONVENTIONS in our writing: spelling, capitalization, punctuation, spacing and handwriting. This week we are reading and writing about friends, and we will begin to study presidents.

Math: We are continuing to measure with inches. We are working on counting combinations of coins, as well as representing amounts in a variety of ways. We’re reviewing telling time to the half hour and adding with speed and accuracy. We’ll be learning about Fact Families: 7+3=10, 3+7=10, 10-3=7, 10-7+3

Science: February is Dental Health Month! We’ll be learning ways to take care of our teeth and stay healthy throughout the month.