Monday, October 7, 2013

Newsletter for October 7

•10/9~ “Walk to School Day”
•10/14~ Student Pictures taken
•10/15~ Wendy’s Restaurant Night
•10/17~ Family Math & Science Night
•11/1~ 1st grade field trip to Denver Downs! Letters sent today.
•11/1~ PTO Movie Night
•11/4~ Christmas Finger Print Ornament decorations through PTO
•11/4~ Box Top Blitz begins
•11/15~ Flu mist/shot available for students with parent permission

Library: Our class will begin going to the library on Wednesdays from here on out. Please help your child remember BOTH library books!

Papa John’s Red Ribbon Week Drawing Contest
•Children should draw a picture in support of drug awareness.
•The picture is to be on a one-half regular size paper.
•Attached is a sheet for participating schools to copy and use.
•Each school’s one winner will receive a pizza party for his/her classroom.
•Selection should not be based only on artistic ability, but on the ability to clearly convey an anti-drug message to share with the community.
•All of the remaining pictures will be taken to your local area Papa John’s restaurant.
•Pictures should be turned in by Friday, October 11, 2013.
•Every Papa John’s large or extra large pizza sent out from October 23rd – October 31st will have one of the student’s pictures (non-winners) as a box topper!
•The school’s name and the child’s grade level should be included on each picture.
•For safety, please use child’s initials only in identifying the picture.
•Please do not use children’s names.

Family Math and Science Night: Our annual Math and Science Night is on Oct. 17 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. We will have many exciting events, such as baseball throw, deco beads, oobleck, owl pellets, bracelet and necklace patterns, and many more activities. We also have presenters from Duke Energy, DNR, Hamilton Career Center Robotics Team, KOBA, Clemson Entomology, and others. Of course, we will have worms, bugs, and various types of jerky for you to try! We may even have a MAD SCIENTIST walking around! Our PTO will be selling hot dogs from Lucky Strike:

Family Meal for $10
4 hotdogs
4 bags of chips
4 drinks

Individual Food Prices:
Hotdogs - $1.50
Chips - $0.50
Drinks - $0.50

Parent Conferences: Letters will go home tomorrow. Please return the form as soon as possible, and I will send a confirmation slip home in your child’s agenda. Thanks for your help in scheduling these conferences. I look forward to sharing assessments with you and discussing our goals for the year!

100 Book Challenge: Hooray! We have reached our first goal of reading independently in class for 15 minutes! The children have worked hard to build up the stamina necessary for being fully engaged and focused as they read on their own. We will begin officially “earning” STEPS for 100 Book Challenge in class this week. The children will learn the correct procedures for completing their Reading Logs in class. I would like to transition to these new logs next week. Be sure to ask your child about this!

Homework: Every day, please take time to review the kindergarten high frequency words and first grade words. Our goal is to be able to read these words at first sight, and spell them correctly in our day to day writing. Our focus this week is on the following words. be, from, how, know, take, that, they, too, when, who
Please review all others!

READING: Every day, please listen to your child read for 15 minutes, with a timer. Be sure to write ONE title on your child’s reading log and initial it.
MATH: Tuesday and Thursday of this week.

Language Arts: In reading, we’re learning more about the characters, setting, and events of stories we read. We’ll compare and contrast stories. We’re also learning more about the differences in reading “for entertainment” in stories and information in non-fiction texts. We’ll continue review short vowel sounds. We are working on writing more than one sentence on the same topic, using spaces between words and capital letters in the correct places. We are trying to spell our kindergarten high frequency words correctly.

Math: We’re continuing our focus on subtraction. We’ve learned about the concept of finding the “missing part” of a whole, and we’re learning more about finding differences this week.