Friday, February 14, 2014

Newsletter from Dec. 9

•12/9-13~ Book Fair: Family Shopping times: 7:30-8:00, Extended hours Thursday until 4:00 - reopen at 5:00
•12/12~ Winter Readerland Open House 5-7:30 pm
•5:00-Winter Readerland Starts
•5:15-K5, 1st and 2nd Graders will perform in the gym for White Christmas ***Please have students dressed in red, green, or white and in the gym by 5:00.
•6:30-3rd, 4th or 5th Graders will perform in the gym for White Christmas ***Please have students dressed in red, green, or white and in the gym at 6:15.
•7:15-Silent Auction and Pictures with Santa will end and winners will be announced.
•7:30-Book Fair will close

The book fair will be open in the library. Classrooms will be open for parents to drop-in for a visit anytime between 5:00 and 7:00. We will also have hotdogs in the cafeteria, a silent auction for Relay for Life, and pictures with Santa for $10, which includes a frame.

•12/20~ Class Christmas Party and Early Dismissal (12:00) for Christmas Holidays!

Change for Chickens: Cardinal Honors Club wants to give back globally this Christmas. This December, we are encouraging classes to collect “Change for Chickens.” This effort may allow chickens to be purchased for a needy family in Asia at $11.00 a pair. Please consider sending in change to our class in order to help a needy family across the world! Our class has already collected enough for one pair, and we’ve started on another!

From the PTO:
Ingles update: So far this year we've earned $174 towards school supplies! Keep scanning those cards each time you shop, and if you are not registered jot down all 12 digits of your card and send it our PTO box.
Playground equipment: Thanks to all those Coke codes we purchased approximately 50 new items for the playgrounds! That's new soccer balls, footballs, basketballs, and frisbees! If you or a student(s) is interested in entering codes please send PTO a note or an email (

Six Flags Read to Succeed Club: Our class is participating in this challenge to increase your child’s RECREATIONAL reading time. Please see the attached reading log for more information. Briefly, your child can earn a free ticket to Six Flags by reading 6 hours, for FUN, before Feb. 17th. “Homework” doesn’t count, but recreational reading does. Please let me know if you have any questions and have FUN! 

Homework: Every day, please take time to review high frequency words for reading and spelling. Your child should read at least 15 minutes. Some of the children are ready to read for 2 steps, or 30 minutes, at home. You could try 2 15 minute sessions to begin. Thank you for sitting with your child as he or she reads to you.
MATH: Tuesday and Thursday of this week.

Language Arts: We are working on organizing our classroom library! We’ll be sorting books by topics and authors. We’re going to continue to study the authors Mercer Mayer and Tomie DePaola. We will learn about contractions, such as I’m, I’ll, can’t, and it’s. In writing, we’ll continue to work with our dictionaries as we write narratives about our families.

Math: We’re continuing Topic 4, which focuses on addition and subtraction facts to 12. We’re working on memorizing double facts, and using them to help with similar problems. We are measuring with cubes and comparing lengths.