Kindergarten registration has been scheduled for March 3 through March 7. We encourage parents to register their kindergarten students between these dates so that our school can make decisions concerning schedules and rosters. However, students may be registered at the elementary school in their attendance zone during normal school hours any time before the first day of school begins. Please bring the following to registration:
• Child’s birth certificate
• Child’s social security card
• Proof of residency (driver’s license or a piece of mail with parent’s name and home address such as a power or water bill)
• Child’s immunization form (DHEC Form 1148)
WELCOME BACK! The snow days and delay last week have played havoc with our schedule and plans, but we’ll be back on track, soon! We celebrated the 100th Day on MONDAY.
SICK CHILDREN: This would be a wonderful time to review basic health procedures with your child. Please encourage frequent hand washing, covering mouths when coughing, and the use of tissues. We have lots of different germs floating around, and we’re trying hard to keep our desks cleaned and our hands washed at school. Thank for your help with this.
•2/3 and 2/5~ Our class will Jump rope for Heart in PE class. Please turn in all money by Friday, 2/7.
•2/7 - Deadline for PTO Valentine orders
•2/12~ STOP, DROP, and Write rescheduled
•2/14~ Class Valentine Party at 1:45 *MORE INFO SOON*
•2/17~ Deadline to turn in Six Flags Read to Succeed reading logs
•2/18 - Wendy's Night from 5-8
•3/3-3/14 - Box Top Blitz + Campbell's Soup Collection
•3/22 - Disney Princess Tea Party
•5/3 - Cardinal 5k
100 Book Challenge: CONGRATULATIONS to our students with 100 Steps! Octavia, Cheyenne, Aiden, and Jayce have joined Josee, JeCari, Cooper, Charleigh, Brock and Selena! Now we have 10 students who have reached this milestone! We have a couple close to 200!
Language Arts and Social Studies: February is a month full of celebrations of important Americans! We will be reading biographies of people such as Martin Luther King Jr., Ruby Bridges, Rosa Parks, as well as earlier Americans such as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. In reading, we’re continuing to build our stamina for independent reading to 25 minutes. Currently, we’re just at 20 minutes. In writing, we’ll learn more about writing to give information and spelling accurately. Additionally, we’re learning more about the use of adjectives to make our writing more interesting.
SPELLING: Because of the snow days and delayed opening, our first test has been rescheduled for WEDNESDAY. Thanks to everyone who completed the homework assignments! I can already tell a difference in the words the children know! Please do the practice page for Tuesday night’s homework. Please review any missed words with your child.
Math: In honor of our 100th day of school, we have worked on using a number grid to count by 5’s and 2’s. We’re comparing double digit numbers, such as 47 and 74. We’ll continue with Topic 6, focusing on Subtraction facts to 20. You can help at home by working on speed and memorization of basic facts and doubles facts. Thank you for your assistance in math homework.