•5/30~ Field Day and Cook Out
•6/2~ Awards Celebration in our classroom at 9:00
Hooray! I’m so looking forward to continuing our learning together next year in Second Grade! We will be moving to the room where Mrs. Swank was this year.
THANK YOU: A huge “thank you” to Jill Ogg, Crystal Marcengill, Wendy Meeks and Macey’s “Aunt Kim!” These ladies worked with the children last Friday to create the beautiful tye-died T-shirts that are going home today! Additionally, they all brought extra shirts for those without a shirt of their own. Please help your child remember to wear his or her shirt tomorrow for T day!
PTO Update: Our final 5k numbers are and it was a great success! We raised just over $4,500 in profit for this event! This event, coupled with our other successful projects, allowed us to make a large technology investment. It is with great pleasure that PTO presents the school with $7,000 towards the purchase of new computers!
We are in need of paper towel rolls for our number scrolls. Please send any you have any time this week. Thank you!
100 Book Challenge: Congratulations to Cooper and Charleigh for earning 300 steps! Peyton reached 200. Overall, our class has done a great job keeping up with the 100 BC books. However, as a school, we are missing many! Please take some time to look under beds, in closets, and in the car for any books that belong to the school. Thanks!
Language Arts & Science: We’ll be reading informational text and stories about plants. We started writing our own fairy tales last week, and we’ll finish them this week.
SPELLING: We’ll continue reviewing the high frequency word list this week. We’ll have a final class spelling bee on Thursday!
Math: We have started our Stepping up to Second Grade unit! We’re learning more about numbers greater than 120, and we’re trying to see how far we can write our numbers before the end of the year. 1,000 is our goal!