Monday, March 5, 2012

Read All About It! News from March 5

•March 7~ Early Release day. Dismissal at 12:45.
•March 13~ Spring Pictures
•March 16~ Teacher In-service day/student holiday
•March 19~ NO SCHOOL/snow make up day
•March 23~ World Culture Day

PTO News: Thank you for continuing to send in Box Tops, Campbell Soup labels and Coke Rewards bottle caps. Our class will celebrate the Box Top Blitz on Friday with a Pizza Party at lunch!

FIELD TRIP NEWS: Thank you to everyone who helped make this a fun and safe trip! Our parent chaperones were fantastic. Our next trip, to the Greenville Zoo, is being planned now. We will send home information soon.

Parent Conferences: Thank you for your cooperation in the scheduling of parent conferences. I’ve been able to meet with over half of you in January and February. I’ll be sending letters to the rest of you this week.

MISSING: We are missing a few 100 Book Challenge books! PLEASE look for the following titles at home. YY~ The Snake and Tina’s Toys G~ Time for Lunch

100 Book Challenge: We have more 200 step earners: congratulations to Callie, Connor, Jayden, Kade, Emma L and Josh! Next week, we will probably have some with 300!! Is YOUR child reading for at least 30 minutes at home? Thank you for spending the time daily with your child on reading and reviewing Skills Cards.

Language Arts: We’ve been reading Dr. Seuss stories, and learning about spelling rhyming words with different spelling patterns (treat and sweet), homophones (meat and meet, deer and dear), and alliteration (several words beginning with the same sound: “Ben’s broom bends and Bim’s broom breaks.”) We’re retelling stories in the correct sequence of events and learning about features of non-fiction text. In writing, we’re really focusing on spelling and writing several sentences on one topic.

Math: We’ll continue working with Fact Families: 7+3=10, 3+7=10, 10-3=7, 10-7+3
We will measure with inches and centimeters. We are working on counting combinations of coins, as well as representing amounts in a variety of ways. We’re reviewing telling time to the half hour and adding with speed and accuracy.

Social Studies: World Culture Day is on March 23. The first grade classes will represent the continent of Asia. Throughout the month, our class will practice research skills as we learn about families, school, food and clothing in different countries in Asia.